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Alma Treloar Reserve is a large reserve located on the corner of McBride Street and Pakenham Road in the heart of Cockatoo. It is home to many community facilities including the Ash Wednesday Bushfire Education Centre. The dog off-leash area will be located in the centre of the reserve, to the south of the existing car park.


Council completed community consultations to gather feedback on the draft concept design.


This feedback from the community informed the need for flexible open space to cater for community events such as markets and the circus. The design was adjusted enable to the community to access the space as a dog off-leash area, but also as overflow carparking for events. 

Project description

Located on the corner of McBride Street and Pakenham Road, the off-leash area features: 

  • a range of agility equipment 
  • seating 
  • signage 
  • fencing 
  • plants and garden beds, including creekbank revegetation 
  • a granitic path extending to the pump BMX track. 


Fully funded by Council

Progress update

The Alma Treloar dog off-leash area is now complete and open to the community! 

Drinking fountains are scheduled to be installed after carpark improvement works are completed next year. 

Completed completed-icon
Project Highlights
  • Current scope of works are complete
  • We are continuing to monitor the new off-leash area to make improvements.
  • Dog owners are reminded to always maintain control of their dogs. All dog owners must be able to recall their dog promptly and place it back on a leash if required.