Project description
Developers are constructing a new major intersection on Princes Highway located between Deep Creek and Dore Road in Nar Nar Goon.
This new intersection will provide access to the Parklea “Ridgelea” site on the south side of the highway and, in the future, to the land on the north side.
This intersection will have 4 legs, with connector boulevards on the south and a planned connector road to the north. It will feature a dual carriageway on Princes Highway, with space for a third lane. However the Developer is only partially completing the intersection, with 3 legs to be completed to provide access to the south.
In the future, the intersection will connect to Dore Road via a local road parallel to Princes Highway (no direct connection to the highway). The timing for this depends on future development.
The project is jointly funded by Infrastructure Contributions though the Pakenham East ICP and the developer of the Ridgelea Estate (Parklea)
Progress update
Construction is continuing on the intersection.
The developer expects construction completion in 2024.
During construction, access to Dore Road will temporarily change until the full development on the north side is completed. Dore Road will connect to Princes Highway further east on a straighter path and will only allow left turns in and out.
Dore Road intersection has changed and has now been opened as ‘left in–left out’ in the temporary location to allow construction to continue on the Highway intersection.