Creekwood Park is approximately a 2.5-hectare reserve within Lakeside Estate in Pakenham.
As part of the playground renewal program for 2022-23 financial year, Creekwood Park playground was identified through routine condition audits as being at the end of its useful life expectancy and therefore due for renewal.
The Creekwood Park playground renewal project updated and revitalised this park, significantly increasing its appeal to the local community and the overall livability of this neighbourhood.
Project description
The project was jointly funded by Council and the Victorian Government’s Living Local Suburban Grants Program, each contributing $90,000 towards the renewal.
Progress update
This project is now complete.
Two rounds of community consultation were completed in mid-2022 ahead of the design plans being finalised. In-person drop-in sessions were held for the local Pakenham community, schools, kindergartens, and community groups to have their say on what playground they would like to see constructed and how they would like to use the park.
Previous community consultation on Creekwood Park playground
Project Highlights
- Upgrades works were completed in June 2023