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As part of the Victorian Government’s Level Crossing Removal Project (LXRP):

Project description

Level crossing closure – Officer

The Victorian Government has closed the level crossing at Station Street, Officer.

Since 2012, this dangerous and congested level crossing was the site of 6 near miss accidents.

Closing this level crossing improves safety and reduces congestion, with motorists having two options to cross over the rail line using either the new Brunt Road bridge or the Siding Avenue underpass.

Works are still underway to finish the new shared user path connections, landscaping and street lighting installations, which are anticipated to be completed by early 2025.

The Station Street, Officer closure is part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to remove all level crossings from the Pakenham Line by 2025.

In the meantime, Cardinia Shire Council will continue to advocate for the prompt construction of the North-South Arterial, which would link Officer South Road and the Princes Highway.

Visit Victoria’s Big Build project pages to view information including:

  • info about the project
  • current works notices and disruptions
  • how to sign up for email updates
  • engagement opportunities
  • contact information if you have questions
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Station Street Officer

Enquiries and updates



This is an external project being funded and delivered by the Victorian Government’s Big Build project.

Progress update

For more information on the project, visit Victoria’s Big Build website.

Construction construction-icon
Project Highlights
  • Station Street, Officer level crossing removed