Upper Beaconsfield Reserve is Crown Land with a community Committee of Management (CoM) appointed by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) under the Crown Land Reserves Act. Cardinia Shire Council supplies funding to the Committee of Management for the maintenance of the reserve.
Between 2018 and 2022, we undertook extensive engagement with the Upper Beaconsfield Reserve Committee of Management (CoM) and reserve user groups on the facility redevelopment.
During this time, discussions were held around the scope, scale and nature of the redevelopment of the facility, and Council arranged necessary site and building condition reports as part of their project management process.
In early 2021, the scope of the project was agreed to by the CoM, user groups and Council.
In mid 2021, Council and the Reserve Committee and user groups developed some buildings masterplans for the new facility. In April 2022, a consultant was engaged to develop a concept plan which was discussed with the CoM and reserve user groups.
Previous community consultation for the new Upper Beaconsfield Reserve Pavilion
Project description
Proposed demolition of the Upper Beaconsfield pavilion and re-construction of a new community, sporting, and Scouts facility.
The project is funded by the Australian Government, Victorian Government and Council.
Progress update
Council’s funding commitment for this project was confirmation with the adoption of the 2023-24 budget.
Scope and timing variation requests will be lodged with the Australian and Victorian Governments.
The tender for the design and construction of the new pavilion has been advertised and will close on 21 May 2024.
Project Highlights
- Council has included this project in the 2023-24 budget.
- This project has gone out for tender